Monday, June 15, 2009

Day one of my WoW Addiction Blog

So I figured I'd pepper a lot of things in this blog, and the first thing I'll toss in is my major time sink right now.

WoW, also known as the World of Warcraft, is an online MMORPG, or Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game.

So Today, I got onto the trusty computer, and pulled up my level 35 Draenei Shaman on Bloodhoof, Dahlrien.

Now I love my shamans. They seem like the perfect mix of offensive spell caster, and Melee tank when they are strong enough with the self-heals. Note the self-heals. I do a lot of solo-ing. I really not the most social person usually. I hate getting random invites to group with them. Do I know you? Do I know if you are going to leave me high and dry? Are you going to choke me with Aggro and sit back to enjoy the show?

Can you tell I've helped a lot of rude low-level kids before, that don't have a lot of experience?

Yes, I'm letting my geek flag fly tonight with this first blog post. Read it and weep. I swear there will be better stuff later.

So today wasn't a majorly productive game day, mostly because I had real life things to deal with. You know, looking for a job, giving the roomies rides, eating, cleaning... Then again, I also died. A lot.

So I made a cool 40 Gold on the auction house circuit today, mostly selling some randomly dropped loot items and fabric. I was stuck questing in the Stranglethrom Area of the Eastern Kingdoms. My real life friend RainyK had warned me about the place, but stubborn guido that I am, I didn't listen. Dear gods that is a hard place to solo through. There's tigers and panthers, and trolls, OH MY! Let's also not forget the waters filled with Piranha like fight and gators.

I died a total of eight times, completing only a hand full of missions. I do have to say, that after today I not only hate grinding, Murlocks, and rogues, but I can now add to the list a dislike of Goblins and Trolls.

And speaking of hatred, who in their right minds programed the Shadowmaw Panthers? They're beasts that have stealth moves! It took me a while to hunt down the needed quantities for one of the missions.

All in all though, I did manage to level once today, which put me at level 36, and I quickly hearthed my way back to the Exodar as fast as my hooves could carry me.

I might play a bit tomorrow.. not sure. WoW for me is an addiction. I play for a month or two, then stop, and then get right back on it. Man I need help.

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