Monday, July 13, 2009

Craziness! Pure Insanity!

Cats, Dogs, sleeping together! Pure Insanity!

Yeah, that's the way it's been for the past few weeks here in casa del Caminiti.

I went off and got married. For reals-reals, not for play-play.

The big day was surrounded by insanity and last minute craziness. Desi and I both got into suits, ran off, and struggled to deal with too-small clothes. Scrambling for shoes, written vows, and things like that. I guess it really was like all those romantic movies that you see. Only now crazy wedding dress or bridesmaids and Best Men. It was quick, quiet, and with only one other person there. No pagan wedding, no bands, no fancy reception, just the two of us, the river, and us bearing our hearts. The words heart filled, the scene perfect enough for us, and that's what matters. I'm a little disappointed, that over a few things that I wanted to have happen in the whole hustle and bustle, but it was still good enough. Anything else that I would have wanted I can always have at the second party we are going to throw next month.

One thing that did touch me, was my friend Gary offering to be my best man at the NH TFW2005 Meet up, or as it has been dubbed, the NH Mini-Con. I wasn't really sure what to say, since I'm not the best on the spot. It was very nice to feel that way from such a heartfelt offer. Not something you get offered everyday.

So maybe I've grown bitter in my patriotism in the past several years. But this warmed my heart. I have a deep respect for Mr. Adam Baldwin, and this came across my desk today. Now, mind you, my Step-father is a former Lt. Commander in the Navy, My step-Mother is retired Airforce, Brother in law and uncle are both Marines, another uncle in the green berets, and a godfather who is a former marine and police chief, this hit home. I used to spend every year tending graves and putting up flags on veteran's graves, attending memorial day services and veteran's day services. After 911 hit, everyone suddenly became patriotic, and some people actually were trying to out do others in their patriotism.

Some people still ahve a phony ring to it when they are patriotic now, or compete, but this post really does warm my heart, and seems to be honest. Ironic as it's coming from an actor, who's job it is to pretend. I think all the military characters that he has played over the years would have definitely help give him this perspective and his real gratitude.

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